Building Your Own Business Intelligence or Sales Intelligence Tool
In most large companies that need a business intelligence and/or sales intelligence tool, the company pays a site license to SAP, IBM, Oracle, etc. The IT department then manages the process, with some occasional interaction with the vendor. But say, for some reason, this is not done at your company. Perhaps, for whatever reason, the IT department is in disarray, or someone simply refuses to authorize the expense of the site license. That doesn’t erase the need for a tailored BI/SI tool. The sales team still needs information, executives need information, etc. That information needs to be easy to manipulate, and perhaps, for security reasons, access has to be controlled. Sure, even without a BI/SI tool, the data is still available somewhere in the company’s systems. But that is cold comfort to some poor soul driving through a snowstorm in Duluth on a way to a meeting who needs information on the customer is about to me...