The Private Information of Politicians.
I voted the other day (by mail). The options were for candidates for mayor, for the city council, and for a position on the Long Beach Community College Board. I did some reading up, and figured out which candidates made the most sense for me in the first two races. The third race is a bit more difficult. First, I don't think its an understatement to say I don't pay much attention to the workings of the Long Beach Community College Board. I'm not sure I ever thought about it before, in fact.
The candidates are an incumbent and a challenger who seems to be racking up a fair number of high profile endorsements. I read through their official campaign information and it isn't sufficient for me to make a decision. So I did some more digging. It is actually easier to find information on the challenger. He has a high profile background, and an unusual name. One of the things I found is that he has a twitter account, and he made that twitter account private. This, to me is a red flag. The purpose of twitter, after all, is to share one's views. That makes it a tool many a politician would presumably love. (Witness President Trump.) The only reason I can see for a politician to make his twitter account private is if he's been writing stuff he doesn't want people to read. I doubt its because he's been tweeting his bank account information. More likely, it means he knows some of his opinions would not endear him to electorate. I think that's a good enough reason to vote for his opponent.
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